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Saturday, January 04, 2014

The Dead of WinTour

What is it that I love about the East Coast of Canada? Why do I always come running back there with such affection? Could it be the fresh ocean air, the endless hand-rolled cigarettes, or could it be the friendly and accepting atmosphere? There seems to be some sort of pungent energy that clings to the air like that of a great high school party where everyone got laid. It’s that work hard, play harder, get drunk and eat lobster, call in sick to work just to air guitar and masturbate side of the country that I have grown to love and truly respect. Fatality is ecstatic to announce the “Dead of WinTour” which will be taking us from Montreal to Halifax between January 31st and February 8th to help bring a little bit of heat back into the heart of a frozen country.

I have always felt right at home on the East Coast. Any spot that was built on the shoulders of the working class seems to be effortlessly infused with a true character of honesty, hard work and a population that drink like a school of chronically depressed halibut stuck in loveless marriages. It’s a value system that revolves around the importance of keeping your word, the power of a hard day’s work, and a commitment to cherishing friends and family. The pot isn’t bad either.

There is no such thing as getting “too drunk” in the Maritimes. It’s gotten to the point where I once overheard a guy from Nova Scotia describing throwing up as “backwards eating.” This is my kind of place!

I can’t wait to crack a few Pilsners, pile into the tour van and start out on what is to be a bachelor party on wheels filled with great friends, loud music, questionable food choices and undoubtedly a few well earned dry-heaving sessions behind an Arby’s in the mid-afternoon somewhere off the TransCan in New Brunswick. Through all of the decadence we are sure to encounter, we still pledge to play every moment of each set with a great deal of professionalism, intensity and passion in order to fully share our fun loving brand of heavy metal music.

I am getting my Guess Who cassette tapes ready in anticipation for a Canadian winter road trip for the ages. Please be sure to subscribe to the Fatality Podcast and warm up to some audio of great conversations and stories from the road as well as a first hand look at what actually happens inside and outside the tour van on our many adventures.

Spencer “Dr. Long-John” LeVon

Jan 31 – Montreal, QC @ Café Chaos
Feb 1 – Quebec, QC @ Bar La Source
Feb 2 – Edmundston, NB @ Black Jacks
Feb 3 – Fredericton, NB @ The Capitol
Feb 4 – Saint John, NB @ TBD
Feb 5 – Moncton, NB @ Esquire Tavern
Feb 7 – Windsor, NS @ Windsor War Memorial Centr
Feb 8 - Dartmouth, NS @ CD Heaven (All Ages)
Feb 8 – Halifax, NS @ Gus’ Pub